Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One Month from Today I'll be on a Plane...

Hi all. I'm creating this blog as a way for friends and family to keep tabs on me while I'm in the Peace Corps. I'll be serving as a Community Health Promoter in Peru from September 2008- December 2010. So far, this is what I know:

1. I have a two day staging in Washington DC from Sept. 10th- Sept. 12th where I will meet my other Peru trainees, fill out lots of paperwork, and receive more information about what my life's going to be like for the next 27 months.

2. I leave from DC at 1:05pm on September 12th for a 3 month training in Lima, Peru. During this time I'll live with a host family and attend job, language, and safety training.

3. Sometime in those first three months I'll get my site placement, where I will spend two years. Peru is a big country, so right now I'm trying to pack for the coastal desert, the Amazon, the Andes, and the beach all in two 50 pound suitcases. Wish me luck.

My address while I'm in Lima will be:

Sarah Walker, PCT
Cuerpo de Paz
Calle Via Lactea 132 (accents on the i in Via and the first a in Lactea)
Urb. Los Granados, Surco
Lima 33, Peru

Looking forward to sharing lots of adventures!